Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Melissa Rosenburg says Eclipse will have Edward on his knees with Mom's ring!

Melissa Rosenburg writes the scripts for the Twilight Saga. She molds the books we love into the movie we HOPE we love. She is very important part of the process, therefore we should hang on her every word!!!! So read....

What’s one of your favorite new scenes or extended scenes that you’ve written into New Moon?

One of my favorites is actually the end, when they go to Volterra and confront a couple of Volturi. In the book, the conflict in that scene is verbal; there is an attack on Edward by Jane, and it works in the book, it’s beautiful in the book. It’s never acted out; it never explodes. For the movie, because it’s a visual medium, I felt like I wanted to externalize that conflict more, turn it into more of a battle. So it’s the same scenario, it’s just enacted and externalized. We get to see an actual fight.

We see that fight between Edward (Robert Pattinson) and Felix (Daniel Cudmore) in one of the latest trailers, and with its slow-motion elements it looks great.

I’m telling you: Chris and his stunt guys and the DP are just fantastic. Daniel Cudmore, who plays Felix, did a tremendous job. I love Daniel Cudmore! Not only is he terrific in this role, he’s also just the greatest guy. Funny and charming.

In your script for Twilight, you wrote in a number of direct quotes from Stephenie Meyer’s book. Can we expect the same in New Moon and Eclipse?

There are definitely some quotes sprinkled throughout. In some cases I’m paraphrasing, but I do try to include as many as I can. It’s very important. It brings the flavor of the book into the movie, so I definitely try to.

Fans want to know: Did the proposal scene make it into New Moon?

The proposal comes into the end of New Moon, and that is the first proposal. Absolutely in Eclipse, the proposal when they’re on the bed, yes -- to me, that was a quintessential scene from the book. When Edward gets on his knees, with his mother’s ring, and she says yes -- that was one of the most romantic scenes that Stephenie wrote in all four books.

This interview with Fearnet is a MUST READ HERE!!!

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