A Message from the QuileuteWolfPack Alpa:
Greetings! We at www.QuileuteWolfPack.com are pleased to announce the launching of our website, which is filled with information on the Wolf Pack and the Native American characters ("Rez Folk") from both the books and the movies.
This website has been in the making for a few years, but due to schedule conflicts, the launch was severely delayed. However, we believe that we were able to put together the first full-scale, comprehensive Pack site, and we hope you will take the opportunity to explore our website in the coming weeks.
The site is filled with Pack and Rez Folk information, as well as information on the real Quileutes and La Push. In the weeks to follow, we will be adding even more information, such as Pack genealogy, additional affiliation links, fan art, trivia, Puzzles & Fun, our Pack Site Launch Commemorative Contest, Call for Essays, and much more (which are still in our notebooks and on the brainstorming board).
Upon your perusal of our site (and we welcome any suggestions and comments), we would greatly appreciate it if you could inform your members that we have launched a site for their Wolf Pack needs. We look forward to seeing you at www.quileutewolfpack.com (QWP) and we hope you can join the QWP Pack! Vampires and humans are welcome as well
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